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What is the examination Pattern for NCHM JEE 2020?
Due to the rising cases of this infection, the National Testing Agency (NTA) has re-scheduled NCHM JEE to 28th June 2020 in online mode.
And there will be no surprise if the exam gets extended again. Witnessing the current scenario, the aspirants have a chance to join HM Online coaching classes for better revision of the topics and subjects.
Success Mantra the leaders of HM Online Classes in Delhi advise you to stay at home and make most of this quarantine time.
This blog for Hotel Management in Delhi fetches you enough information regarding the exam. So it read it till the end.
NCHMCT JEE 2020 Exam Pattern
The following points show the examination pattern of NCHMCT JEE 2020
1. Mode of the Examination- NCHMCT JEE 2020 will be conducted in online mode i.e. Computer-Based Test (CBT).
2. Duration- The aspirants would be given 3 hours to complete the exam.
3. Total Number of Questions- There would be a total of 200 questions in the exam.
4. Marking Scheme- 4 marks would be awarded to each correct response and 1 mark would be deducted for each incorrect response.
5. Sections in the Question paper- The question paper would be divided mainly into five sections Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude, English Language, Reasoning and logical abilities, General Knowledge, and Current affairs for the service sector.
NCHMCT JEE Syllabus 2020
1. Logical Reasoning- Alphabet Test, Reasoning, Classification, Odd Figures, Analogy, Logical Venn diagrams, Logical Sequence of Words, Coding and Decoding, Seating Arrangement, Coded inequalities, and other related topics.
2. Quantitative Aptitude- Averages, HCF and LCM, Speed and Distance, Profit and loss, Permutations and Combinations, Bar Graphs, Line Graphs, Mixed graphs, and other major mathematical concepts.
3. English- Articles, Cloze Test, Jumble paragraphs and sentences, Synonyms and Antonyms, Choosing the correct word, spelling checks idioms, and phrases.
4. General Knowledge and Current Affairs- Questions related to all the current affairs and latest trends.